Friday 6 March 2015

Holi celebrations in modern times

As a child there was a lot of enthusiasm about Holi .Of course to us Holi meant  drenching ourselves and innocent paaser bys in coloured water ,gorging on Mother's home made gujhias,pakorasand Dahi Bhalle  .A stream of visitors were a hallmark of that day .

Over the years , as we grew up , Holi was more about saving ourselves from opportunitic fondling and bear hugs and avoiding allergies to the chemical gulal .I now wonder how I could eat so much deep fried stuff being a kid then.But then we had so much running around to do ,shouting and squealing that we could have digested stones too !

This year our Holi was different from other times.It was far more peaceful.We invited a few friends over and after some playing a bit with herbal gulal  and Tesu colored water ,we had Indian snacks and Jaljeera (a tangy digestive indian drink ). Children and adults indulged in musical chairs .We sung songs and played antakshari and then had vegetable pulav and Raita for lunch .After a long time ,we had such a nice time .It was decided that we shall celebrate Holi thus every year , every friend taking turns to be the host .

How was your Holi ?

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